Why are my emotions heightened during my period?

Why are my emotions heightened during my period?

Do you feel like you get emotional during your period?

Every month, a woman’s acquired and inherited essence is enriched by the kidneys to produce a substance called ‘tian gui’. With the livers help, the substance invigorates the channel called located along the middle of the abdomen and chest, connecting to the cheeks and under the eye socket. This process fills the channel with Qi and blood, and the excess moves down into the uterus creating the period.

As a woman’s body gets ready for this cycle, the liver, which is the organ responsible for the smooth flow of blood, Qi (our vital energy), and emotions is tasked with the job of managing the menses. The liver is the commanding general of the body, having more than 500 functions. During the time getting ready for your period, you can think of the liver as working two demanding jobs as opposed to its usual day job.

The nature of the liver is to move energy upward and outward freely, much like a tree, which is why the liver and wood element are associated. Frustration, anger, and irritability as well as stress are harming to the liver. If you feel these often and easily, your liver is imbalanced.

Working two very important jobs means that the liver doesn’t have excess energy, or Qi, to handle what it usually does when it comes to emotions. All those thoughts and feelings you tend to push under the rug day to day become exposed and float up to the surface. Intense emotions are felt that seem to come out of no where when really they have been there all along. This is why it seems like irritability happens easily.

Emotional imbalance, over work, and an improper diet are what leads to most female imbalances. Sound familiar? Because of the complexities and varying levels, they manifest in an array of PMS symptoms depending on the individual.

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