Use TCM to help your emotions

Use TCM to help your emotions

Traditional Chinese medicine has been used to help PMS symptoms and emotional disharmonies for thousands of years.TCM treats the root imbalance as the symptoms are manifesting from a deeper root. The symptoms are your body signalling to you that a change is necessary for your wellbeing. Often times for emotional disturbance and PMS, the body is saying it needs a little more TLC, a little more rest, a little more balance, some proper nourishment and some emotional care.

Acupuncture helps Qi and blood flow through meridians that are stagnated, releasing pain that’s associated with those channels, especially liver channels. Studies show acupuncture also works on the mind, which can help to alleviate the mood swings associated with PMS. A review article from armour and colleges looked at 5 studies that used acupuncture in the treatment of PMS. The observed no adverse side effects from the treatment and found that acupuncture seemed to reduce both the physical and mood related symptoms associated with the PMS.

Warm breakfasts like congee and sweet potatoes support stomach and spleen function. Warmth in the digestion makes a strong foundation for blood and Qi to flow and work synchronistically with the liver.

Ginger has long been used to regulate disharmonies in the reproductive organs as well as the stomach/spleen. It’s warming essence can relax muscles, promote circulation and blood flow and remove stagnation. It also helps the liver function which is the hub of blood and Qi flow. Dehydrated ginger is more potent than raw .

Skip cold drinks, iced beverages and raw foods, especially before/during your period. Cold causes muscles and organs to contract, which can create blockages and stagnation, (quite literally blocks the flow of the blood), resulting in cramps, abdominal pain, and an overall painful period.

Make sure you are getting enough magnesium & zinc. Women who suffer from headaches or migraines around the time of their period usually lack proper magnesium levels. Zinc and magnesium help one another absorb.
Make sure to build your blood with iron rich foods especially if you suffer from blood deficiency, anaemia, low iron or b12, irregular menstrual issues, miscarriages, Migraines, etc.

Eat your vegetables. Lightly cooked broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and all their cousins contain an active compound called DIM, which helps with estrogen imbalance.


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