Essentials of a sacred bath

Essentials of a sacred bath

Sacred bathing is a tradition that has helped women from various cultures and backgrounds strengthen their connection with the divine feminine. It's such a sensual experience that can reduce stress, increase confidence, balance your energy, soothe your spirit, and bring you right back to yourself. 

The woman's body is a beautiful vessel that best serves us when it is properly nourished and well taken care of. While self-care comes in many forms, sacred baths are one of the top tier ways to give yourself love and attention.

Water is a powerful element to work with. It represents life, rejuvenations, birth and fertility, and it's feminine in nature.

For those of you who may not think you have the time or space to be with yourself, turn your bathroom into your escape sanctuary whenever you can.

For the mummies out there, this may require some boundary setting and strategic planning but it can be done. Don't be afraid to get creative. Remember, if you don't fill your cup up, you won't have anything to give to anyone else. Make a sacred bath a part of your routine and use it to connect with yourself. 


Here are some sacred bath essentials to keep in mind:



Essential Oils

Flower petals


Tea or wine



Epsom salts

Make the experience your own. Include all the things that will help you unwind, relax, and rest.

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